[King] Luz, I'm so happy I had you as a big sister.
No! King!
[door knocks]
Hey, Mom. I'm back.
[both crying]
[Camila humming]
Hey. Thanks for not telling them that I'm...
A Grimwalker?
Shh! Don't say it so loud.
[sighs] What about you? How have you been since, uh--
Since we were in Belos's mind?
Since I found out I helped him meet The Collector?
Oh, my gosh, Hunter.
They're all gonna hate me.
What? Pshh. No, of course they won't.
They won't hate you any more than me
when they find out that I might be a clone
of someone who was a witch-hunter
with Belos.
We'll tell them when we're ready.
Okay. So, in the Demon Realm,
you fought the evil Emperor Belos,
who turned into a monster--
Well, he started out human.
Right. But he was defeated by a newer, smaller bad guy?
The Collector. We don't know what he is or how Belos found him.
Who knows if we'll ever figure that out.
But they're creating a lot of chaos.
We have to do whatever it takes to get back.
And you will. But for now, you should all rest.
You're safe here.
Whoa! [gasps]
Hunter, look at all this awesome human stuff.
I think it's just "stuff" here.
It's not much, but I hope you two will be comfortable.
We will, Luz's mom.
[clears throat]
Thank you for providing us with shelter, ma'am.
Please never do that again.
And you can call me Camila. Buenas noches.
[gasps] Aw.
In the morning, instead of screaming, it'll do this.
Don't worry, Vee! We'll keep you safe.
Good work. It's dead.
Uh... Thanks.
I'll figure that out later.
Mama, I-- I know I shouldn't have left.
I never meant to lie, but I had to stay, and it wasn't because I--
Hey, hey. We'll have time to talk later.
I'm just so happy you're home.
Yeah. I'm home.
But they're not.
[trilling R's]
[mumbling] Am I doing this right?
[speaking Spanish]
[tablet] Perfecto! You're our top student!
Hmm. I was the top student once.
He's still doing that, huh?
He won't tell me what he's looking for.
Hi. Ooh! I like what you've done with the place.
No more exposed nails or possum nests.
But this still confuses me.
Yeah. He still confuses us too.
Hola, Camila. We're learning Spanish from this scary owl app.
Hoot, hoot! Practice every day,
or I'll appear in your nightmares.
Oh, okay.
Well, I'm going to pick up Luz from school. Pop quiz.
[in Spanish]
Oh, oh! Uh... [inhales]
[speaking Spanish]
[in Spanish]
Muy bueno! Keep it up.
Ooh. [sighs]
I never expected to be a mother of six.
-[tablet speaking Spanish] -[ all speaking Spanish]
[sighs] Maybe we should take a break.
A siesta.
We've been here for months,
and we've made no progress on the portal door.
We can't expect Camila to take care of us forever.
In the meantime, we could pull more weight around the kitchen.
My mustard ravioli did bring tears to her eyes.
Those weren't the kind of tears you're thinking of.
I can help fix damaged clothes.
I can spruce up the garden. [growls]
[wind howling]
Maybe we need to look elsewhere.
There's an entire Human Realm to search.
[shutter clicks]
But Luz has school most of the week.
So? Let's explore the town ourselves.
After all, Luz went into the Boiling Isles on her own.
If Eda came here before, maybe there were others.
Maybe they left behind something we can use.
Yes! That's the spirit!
Together, there is no challenge that can hold us back.
[groans] Ow.
It's a sign. We're doomed!
Come on, Flapjack. This isn't funny anymore.
There's something in here.
[all gasp]
Hmm. Looks like a map?
Or a secret code?
[Flapjack twitters]
Flapjack, is this what you've been looking for?
What does it lead to?
That eye, it kinda looks like the old portal door.
[both gasp] The portal door!
Portal door! Portal door! Portal door!
Let's tell Luz.
What if it's just another dead end?
She already feels responsible for our failed attempts.
Then let's not tell her until we can figure it out.
Using our buff brains!
Buff brains!
[laughs] Yeah!
[school bell rings]
[Mr. Sandoval] "Foes vanquished, he trod the shores of his fatherland,
family by his side, finally at peace."
This epic ends with the homecoming of not just a man, but a hero.
Hero? Everywhere he went, people ended up suffering.
It does get bleak, but no one said his mission would be easy.
And when you take into account the ripple effects of his actions...
Who cares about the ripple effects?
He was just a pawn in someone else's game.
And he was never smart enough to realize it.
If his friends and family knew about his mission,
they'd know that their lives would never have been in danger if it weren't for him.
They should hate his guts, and it would be better if he literally never existed!
[school bell rings]
[gasps] Hey! You're Luz, right?
Uh... Nice to meet ya. You were right in class.
We read about too many crusty old dudes.
Give me books about crusty old women!
I used to know one.
I've never seen you two around.
We're new, but we've heard all about you.
Are you gonna make another crazy costume for Halloween this year?
'Cause if you are, we're volunteering at the Haunted Hayride.
[student 2] Old Gravesfield is the most haunted place in the state.
[student 1] Yeah, you gotta come. [chuckles]
[Camila] Do you think this food is okay? Ah...
I wish I knew how to make demon food for your friends.
Would they, um, prefer to drink blood? Mom.
Ay, I'm sorry. I'm just saying if we need to find a way, we'll find a way.
No, look out! [both gasp]
Oh, it was so scary. It just came out of nowhere.
That deer really spooked us.
Will my insurance cover this?
But, Mommy, it wasn't a deer.
It was a monster!
[Camila] Thanks for helping, Gus.
[Gus] Anytime. Good night!
Whoo! We've got a big day ahead of us, so I'm gonna buenas this noche.
[Hunter] Mm-hmm! Ow!
You good? That sounded painful.
[scoffs] I've been training in the Emperor's Coven for as long as I can remember.
I think I can handle a little... [groans]
Oh. That went clean through.
Camila taught me how to use this sewing contraption.
Even Darius's stitches have never been this neat.
Oh, and look at what I made!
These are mystical beasts called wolves, and I love them.
That looks great.
You know, you've been smiling a lot more since we've been here.
It's not like I don't want to return.
I just need a way to pass the time. That's all.
No. It's good to see you happy.
One of us might as well be.
What was it like to be in the Emperor's Coven for so long?
I trained a lot.
I studied a lot.
I wasn't really allowed to be around the other scouts.
But weekends were nice.
I got to leave the castle for missions.
Do you miss it?
I miss knowing who I'm supposed to be.
I miss my dad.
We'll find a way back. We have to.
Oh, my Titan. That's a line from this book I found.
Cosmic Frontier!
It's a story that takes place in the stars.
Why would anyone wanna go up there?
I don't know. Humans like spreading their junk everywhere.
But it's a story of people trying to get back home, like us.
We got Captain Avery, Security Officer Quando,
and a Chief Engineer O'Bailey who's hiding as a clone from the enemy planet.
What, uh, happens to him?
I guess you'll have to find out.
They don't hate garlic like vampires,
but they weren't entirely against eyeballs when we were watching that zombie movie.
Gus said I could get apple blood from the apple butcher,
but... [yawns] ...until I find one of those,
I'll have to use food coloring.
Look what I found!
Gross, don't touch that dead thing. Ew. Gross.
It's not dead.
This is the skin of a garter snake.
They shed their pajamas as they grow.
It means there's a snake near us, and it just got a lot bigger!
Ew! [all scream]
She called them pajamas.
Ugh. So unhygienic.
That girl must've been raised by wolves.
Hey! Wolves are actually great parents, and--
O happy dagger! Give me death! Huh?
[groans] [screaming]
Her dad taught her that one.
[retches] Gross! Now everything smells like lunch meat.
Yeah, she's such a try-hard.
Oye! What did you just say?
[screams, grunts]
I said, grief can manifest in different ways.
Like how Luz has been acting out for attention.
Losing Manny was difficult for both of us,
but Luz has always done things differently.
Didn't you say you were bullied in high school, Mrs. Noceda?
Uh, yes, but--
Luz hasn't made any friends, her grades are inconsistent,
and I heard she brought a live snake to school?
Take this. It could help her.
"Reality Check Camp"?
You don't want Luz to struggle like you did, right?
-[Luz] Mom? -[gasps]
Luz? What time is it?
Why aren't you mad at me?
[sighs] Oh, baby. Come here.
I've been terrified, sure.
But believe it or not,
I do understand what it's like to want to run away.
I'm so sorry.
But the point is, you came home, and everything is okay now.
But it's not. It's my fault everyone's trapped here.
And I don't even know if King and Eda are okay.
I wanted you to meet them so bad. But I keep messing up.
Hey, everyone makes mistakes.
What matters is that you learn from them.
Can I sleep here tonight?
Give the palisman a kiss too. [kisses]
All right. Luz is at her mom's vet clinic,
putting tiny little bandages on "hedgehogs."
So today, we're going into town to solve this code.
Routes. Snacks, check.
[Hunter] Human disguise, check.
Oh, that is a look.
According to Cosmic Frontier, this is what the modern, human male wears.
This was written in the '90s about the year 2008.
Yeah. Can't wait for that New Year's party.
And did you get to the last chapter?
O'Bailey is still hiding the fact that he's a Duplicant in hyperdisguise.
But Captain Avery is figuring it out.
I think he already knows but--
Ah, bup-bup-bup! No, no, no, no, no spoilers!
Hunter, I don't think the world is ready
for the brave fashion choices of the year 2008. Please change.
Don't listen to her.
Aw, geez, we're gonna miss the bus.
Oh, it's okay! I'll catch up. There's a transport worm every half hour.
[cat meows]
I'm gonna borrow that book when you're done with it.
[Flapjack twitters]
You know, maybe you're right, Flap.
Even if I'm not who I'm supposed to be...
I like who I am right now.
[Amity] First stop, The Magic Circle.
[all scream]
I don't blame our ancestors for banishing those guys. Yeesh.
Dad, can we go to the bird hall?
In a minute. How about we eat first?
[both] Yeah!
[sighs] I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but...
I think I know where to go next.
You can wait here if it's too scary.
Luz told me about that creepy witch-hunter wannabe.
It's okay. We just faced down a giraffe. I can do this!
[screams] Huh?
You're not Jacob.
We can all thank Goddess for that.
He got fired after he started making edits to the exhibits.
I work part-time now.
Say, have we met? Something about you seems familiar.
Uh, no. I'm new in town. I just have one of those faces.
J-- But just the one. The normal amount of face.
[laughs] What a coincidence, me too.
If you ever need a tour guide, hit me up.
We're actually here to ask about this old puzzle.
Do you know how to decode it?
Ooh, a rebus.
They dug up a bunch of these in Old Gravesfield.
This is a rebus?
Yeah. It's like a riddle where pictures and symbols make up a word.
Like-- Come here.
What do you think they were trying to say?
Chop off an ear!
No. See the H that comes first?
Then combine that with the ear and maybe it means "hear" like, to listen.
Or, "here" as in a place.
Maybe something is waiting somewhere.
[phone rings]
I'll be right back.
If this is a portal door then what about these?
A ribbon, and tanning a hide?
That ribbon is tied together.
[Gus] Next to that hand with a cut.
You don't think...
This is leading us to...
[Amity] Tie tan's...
[all gasp] Titan's Blood!
It's like you're reading each others' minds.
You must have been friends forever!
It wasn't always like this.
These past few months have been weird
but look at all the new memories we have now.
It's been nice to finally spend some time together.
I can't wait to show everyone at home.
Maybe the scrapbook could use one more?
Aw, come here, Vee.
Everyone say, "Giraffes are still terrifying!"
That map of Old Gravesfield looks exactly like this.
Do you think it's a map to a stash of Titan's Blood?
With that, we could actually create a portal.
I can't wait to tell Luz! And I know just how to surprise her.
[sighs] What will you be, little palisman?
A bird like Owlbert?
A cool bug?
Maybe an octopus, so we can hold hands?
Maybe you'll never hatch.
And I messed up your life too.
[Camila] How's the lamp working?
Just fine.
Good. I'm ready to lock up.
[Flapjack twitters]
Did you know about this? That he was here?
I can tell you're hiding something.
[chirps] [sighs]
Sorry. I shouldn't take this out on you.
I'm just scared.
[vehicle approaches]
-[chirps] -Don't worry, Flap.
If Belos is really here, I'll keep you safe.
Hunter, what's wrong?
Are you sure you saw him?
I thought The Collector destroyed Belos.
Yeah. I'm-- I'm sure.
Hey. We can wait for the others if you--
No! We have to take care of this ourselves.
[sighs] Titan, I hate this! I was never scared as the Golden Guard.
Then how about we bring back some of that masked confidence, huh?
[Hunter] All right, Belos!
What's about to happen should be relatively painless,
if you just do what we say.
That's right! So come out with your hands behind your creepy, dumb head!
[wind howling]
[object rattles] [gasps]
[rattling] [both gasp]
[Amity gasps] [rat screeches]
Oh, thank goodness. It's just a little angel.
No one's here.
I guess it was just in my head.
Well, can't blame you for being paranoid after everything we've been through.
Yeah. You know, I just wanna make sure everyone's safe.
Same. And that includes you too.
What? Yeah.
Gonna make sure you're safe too, Hunter.
You're family now.
Ah, this mask is pretty gross now.
[both laugh]
Let's get back before anyone worries.
Yeah. Everything's okay.
Belos is gone.
Hey, we're back! [chuckles]
And we bought some, uh, cars.
Luz! We're designing our costumes for the Haunted Hayride.
Guess what I've got planned?
I'm gonna be Captain Avery and you're...
[gasps] Chief Engineer O'Bailey?
How do you know about Cosmic Frontier?
All the books in your basement.
Oh! [laughs]
Funny how things just show up in basements, right?
Without you hiding or putting them there.
Life sure is full of surprises.
Cool! Humans freak out just like us.
It'll be fun. We want to experience your weird human traditions.
And I thought you and I could take inspiration from...
Good Witch Azura The Movie 2: The Betrayanning!
Hecate! I'll protect you!
Give her over, Azura. It's for your own good.
I could be the Hecate to your Azura.
What do you think? Oh, wow. Yeah, let's do it!
How could you do it, Villainous Lucy?
How could you betray your friends? Now everyone is gone!
It was for the greater good.
We'll never forgive you.
[laptop chimes]
Dear Diary,
all I ever wanted was to be good at something,
to be around people who also liked that something.
And when I found the Demon Realm, I thought,
"Wow, I found it. I can learn magic. I can be a witch!
I won't be the dummy in the principal's office anymore!"
But I messed up too much, and put everyone in danger.
Mama says I have to learn from my mistakes.
So, I know what I have to do now...
Make sure to help Vee with the trick-or-treaters.
You know, they can be... demanding.
Luz, are you okay? You don't look so well.
I was just so excited for this, I couldn't sleep.
All right. We'll keep the puzzle a secret till the time is right.
And then we'll tell her about the Titan Blood!
[Belos laughing]
Did you hear that?
Hey, it's okay. It's probably just in my head again.
Nestle down, Flapjack. [chirps]
We're gonna have the best night, and we might even have a surprise for you.
Yeah, me too.
I hath seen the Mrs. Smith consorting with spirits unpure.
Is this true, Mrs. Smith?
Nay, 'tis a fool lie!
Inquisitor Jones is tarring me a demon's varlet
so as to take mine fields!
Demon lies!
Your honor, I do object!
It is Inquisitor Jones who's in league with the dark forces!
Kid, come on, this is my spotlight.
[gasps, screams]
[crowd cheering]
Why are you clapping?
[gasps, grunts]
These children are demon spawn. And they want your teeth!
Look! Look at his ears! He's from Mars!
Hey, lay off the costume, man.
[screams] Let go! [groans]
I hope you're all prepared for a truly scary ride.
Make us cry! Make us cry!
Because there's nothing scarier than knowledge.
Boo, just lie to me!
Let me tell you the eeriest unsolved mystery of Gravesfield.
The Tale of the Brothers Wittebane.
Wittebane? Isn't that Belos?
[Masha] The year is 1613.
Two orphaned brothers arrive in Gravesfield.
Their names? Philip...
...and Caleb.
Oh, no.
[Masha] Caleb did his best to take care of his younger brother.
They tried to fit in with this town, and its unsavory practices.
They became witch-hunters.
Local lore suggests
that the Brothers Wittebane met a real witch from another world!
Her name was Evelyn.
And the older brother was spirited away.
She dazzled him with magic and visions of a strange yet beautiful place.
They used a secret code to travel between worlds.
Philip set off to save his brother and bring the witch to justice.
But neither were ever seen again!
Maybe Philip saved Caleb, and they went on to lead peaceful lives.
Or maybe he's still chasing his brother,
caught in a cycle of horror and strife!
[all gasp]
Sounds like big bro got a hot witch girlfriend and little bro got upset.
But that's just me.
[Belos laughing]
Luz. [yelps]
What's going on?
It's him. He's here! I saw him this time.
And it wasn't in my head after all. You believe me, right?
Well, how can you be sure? What would he be doing here?
Titan Blood.
I'm not supposed to tell.
But the secret code that guide mentioned?
It's a puzzle, a rebus we found in the shack.
Amity thinks it leads to Titan Blood!
Titan Blood? Puzzles? Amity?
Why didn't anyone say anything?
You and your mom do so much for us.
We wanted to do something for you,
and she's gonna surprise you with it tonight.
That is so sweet.
Hey, where's Luz and Hunter?
We need to find the Titan Blood first. Just to make sure.
I don't wanna freak anyone out yet.
You don't believe me yet, do you? Fine. I'll prove he's here.
-Flapjack! -[chirps]
Can you get the rebus?
I'll say that again.
[distorted] Get the rebus.
Hey! What the heck?
Sorry. I don't know what came over me.
Good work.
[grunts, pants]
Oh! [gasps, sighs]
So we moved.
Mom says it's because the house isn't "pretty enough",
but I think it's because there's a better hospital for dad nearby.
'Cause, let's be honest, this house ain't that much prettier.
I think this might be the worst week ever.
But Dad left me this book.
I can't wait to read it.
I loved it! I loved it so much! [giggles]
Look what I got at the convention. [laughs]
I'm gonna cut my hair with it.
That was a bad idea.
Mom saw my report card.
Mija, if you just applied yourself.
But I am applying myself.
My baseball stitches are so small, they're practically invisible.
And I can read and write Witchtongue in five different dialects.
Also, I can sit so perfectly still that woodland creatures come and sit on me.
But I guess none of this is gonna matter on the SATs.
It's been really rough for Mom since the funeral.
So, I'm gonna wow my teacher's face off with this book report!
Mom, you won't have to worry about me ever again.
Mama says I have to learn from my mistakes.
So, I know what I have to do now.
On Halloween, after the Hayride,
I'm telling everyone I'm staying in the Human Realm. Permanently.
[Hunter panting]
What the...
There! [panting]
[Luz panting]
Think. Think.
Hunter is following the rebus to the Titan's Blood.
But how can I find the blood without him?
Come on. You can do this.
Glyphs are powered by the magic of the isles,
by the Titan itself!
Closer I am to the Titan Blood, the stronger the glyphs become.
Luz? Hunter? Did you find them?
Calm down. They probably just went to buy some more cars.
Yeah. Yeah. You're right. I just-- I wanted to show Luz the rebus.
Wait. Where did it go?
[all gasp]
Kids! Have you seen Luz?
And has she, um, said anything weird?
Boom! Find a phone.
Hunter, are you okay? Did you see Belos?
Oh, no.
Just my imagination playing tricks again.
Why don't you find the Titan Blood while I find my palisman?
Little guy got spooked off.
Good idea.
All this Belos talk has me on edge.
But I hate to ruin Amity's surprise.
I really appreciate that everyone wanted to do this.
[sighs] You guys are great friends.
Have you found the blood yet?
I'm on it. I just have to--
[Flapjack chirping]
Flapjack? Why do you look so scared?
[Hunter] Luz.
[distorted] Didn't you use an ice glyph to get here?
Your magic is working.
[Amity] Luz? I think she's this way.
-[Camila] Mija? -[Willow] Hunter?
-[Gus] Guys, where are you? -[Amity] Luz?
I saw you. Glyphs do work here.
You. You survived.
I did. Thanks again for all the help, Luz.
But I don't need you anymore.
Ah. There you are.
You're not even trying right now.
What? Afraid you'll hurt him?
Is that Hunter? Something's wrong.
See, this is why you're so useful, Luz.
You're so desperate to help people, you even helped me meet The Collector.
-What? -I didn't mean to.
I thought I was doing something good.
You did do something good.
I thought this one was another lost cause.
Because of you, we can finish our work as witch-hunters, starting with them!
Hey, Belos. Remember me?
Hang tight, Hunter.
Vee, watch out!
[Gus grunts] [all scream]
I know you can hear me, Hunter.
Fight him off.
-[both grunt] -[Luz screams]
[Hunter] That's right.
You wouldn't want me harming
your precious palisman, would you?
Oh, but then again, I don't care what you want.
Goodbye, Evelyn.
Flapjack, you'll be okay.
You know what I'd like, Belos?
I'd like to leave the Emperor's Coven
and never step foot in that throne room again.
I'd like to study wild magic and learn how to carve palismen.
I'd like to attend Hexside as a regular student
and play flyer derby with my friends.
But most of all, I'd like to make sure you never hurt anyone again!
Oh, no! No! Move.
[Willow] Be careful with him.
Caleb, you would stab me in the back?
You did it to him first.
This is for the good of your souls.
You'll thank me later.
That's the Belos you've been fighting this whole time?
Guys, Hunter isn't moving.
Vee, call an ambulance.
Uh, do human doctors know about possession?
Or Grimwalkers?
Possession? Grimwalkers?
[Camila] We should still call a doctor.
-[Vee] I'm not getting cell reception. -[Amity] What do we do?
Hey, guys. Is everyone else okay?
Actually, Flapjack...
Don't. Don't.
I already know.
Sit up slowly, baby. Are you in pain anywhere?
I'm okay.
Um, Luz. What did Belos mean when he said you helped him meet The Collector?
I mean, that was a lie, right?
No, it was true.
If it weren't for me, the Day of Unity would have never happened.
There was this time pool, and I met him.
I met him when he was still just Philip, and I taught him the light spell.
I introduced him to The Collector.
I set everything into motion.
I'm sorry, everyone.
Why did you keep all that a secret?
I was scared. I thought you'd all hate me for it.
Which is why I've made a decision.
I think it'd be in everyone's best interest if I--
Took your mama to the Demon Realm!
I couldn't hate you, Luz.
The fact that you still stand up for us means enough to me.
Mija, now that I've seen what you're up against,
there is no way I'm letting you go back alone.
It is our duty to help your friends get back to their families.
But... You were tricked.
That's what Belos does. He tricks people.
But if it weren't you, it would have been someone else,
and then there'd be no one left to fight back.
So let's do that. Let's fight back.
Please? For Flapjack?
For Flapjack.
[portal pulsing]
The portal's closing.
Then we better head in.
Time to go home, Flap.
Goodbye, Human Realm.
Thank you for showing me your secrets. I hope to see you again.
Thanks for the memories.
We'll be back after we get some revenge.
Luz, I know things are scary, and I don't know what the future holds.
But it would be so cool if you were a part of that.
But no more hiding, okay?
I understand.
See you on the other side. Promise.
Here, you'll probably need this.
Are you coming, Vee?
I don't think I'm ready.
Besides, someone has to keep up appearances.
Tell the staff I've gone home to see my abuela, okay?
Carmen's in charge, Dianne has my schedule.
And, thank you, Vee.
[Camila] Are you ready?
[Luz] Are you?
I'm not sure what we'll see on the other side.
Then we don't wanna leave unprepared.
A good witch always has to have her hat.
[Vee] Shoot! Camila still has the car keys.